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Acer palmatum beni chidori

Acer palmatum beni chidori

acer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidoriacer palmatum beni chidori
ref. : 7831

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Height of the only tree: 580 mm, width of the branch + - 600 mm. Enameled pottery of: 480*385*60 mm. Style moyogi, trays formed not of injuries of sons nor strong wounds of sizes .Bonne distribution of the alternate branches. Pink / red spring coloration becoming then green in summer red orange fire in fall. Sunny exhibition, to get a beautiful coloration of foliage in fall. Beautiful topic been back at work to perfect the ramifications descended of aerial marcottage of it, therefore not of traces of grafting and a superb regular nébari.  For collector. Non included support. Descended of the Imai nurseries very well-known Chiarus to the japon for the quality of its masterpièces.

#masterpieces 4.2 #coloration 3 #beautiful 2.9 #descended 2.9 #palmatum 2.8 #chidori 2.7 #bonsai 2.6 #fall 2.4 #acer 2.4 #beni 2.4

(( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'coloration', '')))/LENGTH('coloration')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'coloration', '')))/LENGTH('coloration')) ) * 3) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'descended', '')))/LENGTH('descended')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'descended', '')))/LENGTH('descended')) ) * 2.9) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'beautiful', '')))/LENGTH('beautiful')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'beautiful', '')))/LENGTH('beautiful')) ) * 2.9) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'palmatum', '')))/LENGTH('palmatum')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'palmatum', '')))/LENGTH('palmatum')) ) * 2.8) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'chidori', '')))/LENGTH('chidori')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'chidori', '')))/LENGTH('chidori')) ) * 2.7) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'acer', '')))/LENGTH('acer')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'acer', '')))/LENGTH('acer')) ) * 2.4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'fall', '')))/LENGTH('fall')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'fall', '')))/LENGTH('fall')) ) * 2.4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'beni', '')))/LENGTH('beni')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'beni', '')))/LENGTH('beni')) ) * 2.4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'ramifications', '')))/LENGTH('ramifications')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'ramifications', '')))/LENGTH('ramifications')) ) * 2.3) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'distribution', '')))/LENGTH('distribution')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'distribution', '')))/LENGTH('distribution')) ) * 2.2)
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