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The Japanese Bonsai specialist

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Rotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mm

› Bonsai tools › Bonsai tools

Rotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mmRotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mmRotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mmRotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mmRotating table in cast aluminium 500*350 mm
ref. : 6508


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Measurements: 500*350 mm. Quality cast aluminium rotating table to orientate your indoor or outdoor bonsai according to the sun for harmonious growth. These turntables are used in all Japanese bonsai nurseries and the trees are turned minimally once a month. Rotation by ball bearing and rustproof. Weight supported: 50/60 kilograms. Indispensable for the owners of big pieces.

#bonsai 4.6 #aluminium 3.9 #rotating 3.8 #table 3.5 #cast 3.4 #tools 2.5 #indispensable 2.3 #measurements 2.2 #harmonious 2 #turntables 2

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I would like to...work my trees

(( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'aluminium', '')))/LENGTH('aluminium')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'aluminium', '')))/LENGTH('aluminium')) ) * 3.9) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'rotating', '')))/LENGTH('rotating')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'rotating', '')))/LENGTH('rotating')) ) * 3.8) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'table', '')))/LENGTH('table')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'table', '')))/LENGTH('table')) ) * 3.5) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'cast', '')))/LENGTH('cast')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'cast', '')))/LENGTH('cast')) ) * 3.4) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'bonsai', '')))/LENGTH('bonsai')) ) * 2.6) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'indispensable', '')))/LENGTH('indispensable')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'indispensable', '')))/LENGTH('indispensable')) ) * 2.3) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'measurements', '')))/LENGTH('measurements')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'measurements', '')))/LENGTH('measurements')) ) * 2.2) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'harmonious', '')))/LENGTH('harmonious')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'harmonious', '')))/LENGTH('harmonious')) ) * 2) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'turntables', '')))/LENGTH('turntables')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'turntables', '')))/LENGTH('turntables')) ) * 2) + (( ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_nom)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_nom, 'according', '')))/LENGTH('according')) + ROUND((CHAR_LENGTH(b.article_description)-CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(b.article_description, 'according', '')))/LENGTH('according')) ) * 1.9)
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Guy Maillot