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Advice - Diseases, etc.
My bonsai has aphids. What should I do?
Treat it with commercially available insecticides used for gardening. Be sure to follow the package dosing instructions and usage warnings. Dosage may be reduced by 20% if necessary.
My bonsai is sick. What should I do?
To care for your bonsai, take a few photos of it and post on the various forums available on the Internet (see my links). The forum members will certainly be able to give you an answer.
My bonsai has lost its leaves. What should I do?
First, try to figure out why your bonsai has lost its leaves. Have you changed the way you water it, or changed its location? Be careful not to overwater your bonsai since, without leaves, it consumes almost no water.
My tree is growing too much. It this dangerous to its health?
No, if you fertilise regularly. Yes, if it is undernourished.